
Saturday 10 February 2018

Top Ten Arthurian Locations

" hold opinion that there was no such Arthur and that all such books as been made of him been but feigned and fables...[yet] there were many evidences of the contrary.

First, ye may see his sepulture in the monastery of Glastonbury; and also in Polychronicon, in the fifth book, the sixth chapter, and in the seventh book, the twenty-third chapter, where his body was buried, and after founden and translated into the said monastery. Ye shall see also in th’istory of Bochas, in his book De Casu Principum, part of his noble acts, and also of his fall. Also Galfridus, in his British book, recounteth his life. And in divers places of England many remembrances been yet of him and shall remain perpetually, and also of his knights: first, in the abbey of Westminster, at Saint Edward’s shrine, remaineth the print of his seal in red wax, closed in beryl, in which is written patricius arthurus britannie gallie germanie dacie imperator; item, in the castle of Dover ye may see Gawain’s skull and Cradok’s mantle; at Winchester, the Round Table; in other places Lancelot’s sword and many other things." [William Caxton, Preface to Malory's Morte d'Arthur]

1. Glastonbury: Ancient Avalon
    The site of the tomb of King Arthur

2. Tintagel: Arthur's Castle?
    Was there a Dark Age fortress here?

3. King Arthur lives in Merrie Carlisle
    Arthurian sites in Northern Cumbria

4. The Winchester Round Table
    The wooden table at Winchester that was once believed to King Arthur's Round Table

5. On the Trail of the Dragons of Emrys
    The beginnings of the Merlin legend on a hill in Snowdonia

6. Arthur and the  Dogheads of Eidin
    An ancient Welsh poem recounts Arthur fighting dogheads 

7. Cadbury Castle: Visions of Camelot
    Was this Dark Age hillfort in Somerset King Arthur's fortress?

8. Arthur, Stonehenge and the Solstice
    Was King Arthur buried within the Giants Dance along with his relatives?

9. Dover Castle: Gawain's Skull
    Gawain, the greatest knight, is said to be interred at the castle

10. Dozmary Pool: Nothing but Waves.....
      Is this isolated pool on Bodmin Moor the home of the Lady of the Lake?

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